
 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturers and activated carbon companies serve you

Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Activated carbon manufacturers think what you want

Date of issue: 2020-10-26 15:35:28 Author: Click:

Activated carbon We all know that it is very common in our daily life. It is an indispensable water treatment material in the field of water purification, because of its high adsorption capacity. Bottom Activated carbon manufacturer Let's give you a brief and detailed introduction.

Activated carbon is a kind of gray black powder, granular or pellet shaped amorphous carbon with porous structure. Its main component is carbon, and it also contains a small amount of oxygen, hydrogen, sulfur and nitrogen.

It is commonly used in the absorption, separation and purification of steam, the purchase of solvents, the deodorant of domestic water and refrigerators, and can also be used as the medium of metal catalyst or metal salt metal catalyst.

 Activated carbon manufacturer

It has microcrystalline structure, and the order of microcrystalline is detailed and irregular. There are micropores, junction holes (semi longitude 20-1000), and eyelets (semi longitude 1000-100000) in the crystallization, which makes it have a very large internal surface. This determines that it has excellent adsorption capacity, which can absorb metal ions, harmful substances, pigments, etc. in sewage and waste gas.

Its absorption effect is optional. In the same series of chemical substances, the higher the melting point, the easier the chemical substances are absorbed. The higher the gas pressure, the higher the temperature, the higher the lower the concentration, the greater the absorption amount; On the contrary, raising temperature is beneficial to the analysis of steam body.

Activated carbon manufacturers tell you that activated carbon is widely used and has many advantages, which shows us great convenience in our daily life. Let's plant trees together.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/583.html

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