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Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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What are the differences between shell activated carbon and other activated carbon

Date of issue: 2023-11-20 02:31:45 Author: Click:

   Activated Carbon It is a widely used water purification material, with the advantages of porous, strong adsorption capacity, fast adsorption capacity, large specific surface area, etc. Coconut shell charcoal is good, not only for water purification, but also for air purification.

Fruit shell carbon is refined from imported coconut shell carbonization material, with strong adsorption performance and strong physical and chemical indicators. The appearance of coconut shell carbon is amorphous broken carbon, which is used in high-purity gas, liquid phase adsorption and other aspects.

Characteristics of shell charcoal:

1. Fruit shell charcoal belongs to the category of fruit shell charcoal. Its main characteristics are low density, light hand feel, and the weight in the hand is significantly lighter than coal charcoal. With the same weight of carbon, the volume of coconut shell carbon is generally larger than that of coal based carbon.

2. Because the density of coconut shell carbon is small and the handle is light, the carbon can be put into water. Coal based carbon generally sinks to the bottom quickly, while coconut shell carbon floats in water for a longer time. As the carbon reaches saturation of water molecules, it will gradually sink into the water bottom by increasing its own weight. When all the carbon sinks to the bottom, it will see that each carbon is wrapped with a small bubble, crystal clear, very interesting.

 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer

3. The shape of fruit shell carbon is generally broken granular and flaky, while shaped carbon, such as columnar and spherical carbon, is mostly coal based carbon.

4. The nut shell carbon has a small molecular pore structure. When the carbon is put into water, the air discharged when it absorbs water molecules will produce many very small bubbles (just visible to the naked eye), which will constantly float to the water surface. But the coal carbon is ordinary.

Pericarp Activated carbon The specific surface area of carbon and its adsorption performance for phenol are basically determined by the type of raw materials and activity mode. Table 2 The performance of different raw materials after being activated by the same method varies greatly. Generally, materials with high carbon content should be selected, and materials with high carbon content should be selected to minimize ash and other impurities. The adsorption capacity of carbophenol made of raw materials with high carbon content, such as sawdust, straw, polymer materials, is significantly higher than that of raw materials such as sludge. MA and other studies show that ordinary commercial carbon adsorbs phenol.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/634.html

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