
 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturers and activated carbon companies serve you

Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturers have good adsorption performance

Date of issue: 2023-11-18 01:48:14 Author: Click:

   Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Tail gas treatment refers to the purification and elimination of tail gas through various technical means to reduce oil consumption and solvent consumption Tail gas pollution. Emission sources are widely distributed. In order to prevent pollution, in addition to reducing oil loss and solvent consumption to reduce the generation and emission of waste gas, exhaust gas purification is currently a feasible treatment method. Common methods include adsorption, absorption, catalysis, thermal combustion, etc. The county can choose the purification method according to the actual situation, with low cost, low energy consumption, no secondary pollution, try to turn harm into benefit, and fully recover raw materials and waste heat. In most cases, the exhaust concentration of petrochemical industry is very high. The coating construction, printing and other industries adopt the methods of condensation, absorption and direct combustion.

Governance methods

1. Condensation recovery method: waste gas is directly introduced into the condenser for adsorption, absorption, plate lysis and separation, and valuable substances can be recovered. This method is applicable to the working conditions of high waste gas concentration, low temperature and low air volume. It requires auxiliary refrigeration equipment, which is mainly used in pharmaceutical and chemical industries, but less used by printing enterprises.

 Price of shell activated carbon manufacturers

2. Absorption method: physical absorption is generally adopted, that is, waste gas is introduced into the absorption liquid for purification, and then heated, analyzed, condensed and recovered after the absorption liquid is saturated; This method is applicable to waste gas with large volume, low temperature and low concentration, but it needs to be equipped with a heating analysis recovery device, which is large in size and high in investment.

Coconut shell carbon adsorption method is generally adopted: waste gas is adsorbed by carbon, and when the adsorption is saturated, the carbon is desorbed, and then the waste gas is blown off, catalysed and burned, converted into harmless substances, and then the carbon continues to be used. When the charcoal After a certain number of times, the adsorption capacity decreases significantly, and the carbon needs to be renewed.

Pericarp Activated carbon manufacturer The treatment method of is currently commonly used to treat waste gas. This method has good adsorption effect on benzene series, but poor adsorption effect on hydrocarbon waste gas. The operation cost is high, and it is not suitable for the environment with high humidity. However, the shell type adsorption carbon is widely used in the market at present. Coconut shell carbon mostly adopts carbon particles and carbon fibers, and adopts carbon particle price It is cheap, but the effect is poor. The price of coconut shell carbon fiber is higher, and the effect is better.

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