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What should be paid attention to when using shell activated carbon?

Date of issue: 2023-10-16 18:56:51 Author: Activated Carbon Click:


Activated Carbon As Activated carbon One of them is widely used in many fields and is very popular. Do you know what you should pay attention to when using it?

Fruit shell activated carbon is made of fine apricot shell, peach shell, walnut shell, jujube shell and other fruit shells. The activated carbon is refined by carbonization, activation, superheated steam catalysis and other processes. It is a kind of activated carbon with black amorphous particles in appearance and processed by a series of production processes. It has the advantages of good abrasion resistance, developed pores, high adsorption performance, high strength, economy and durability.

Fruit shell activated carbon method is a very interesting process related to adsorption and biodegradation. As known as the penetration phenomenon in the fixed bed activated carbon column, adsorption is an unstable separation operation, while biodegradation is basically a stable reaction operation after the domestication period. Thus, the phenomenon generated in the reactor is analyzed, It can be considered as belonging to the category of separation operation with reaction.

 Price of shell activated carbon manufacturers


However, in fact, due to the existence of multi component systems, the phenomenon is much more complicated, and the quality of treated water is difficult to predict, etc. There are still many problems to be clarified. Therefore, it is the trend of the development of the activated carbon industry to vigorously study the biological activated carbon in the future.

When using shell activated carbon, pay attention to:

1. During the transportation, the activated carbon shall not be mixed with hard materials and shall not be trampled or stepped on to prevent the carbon particles from being broken and affecting the quality.

2. It should be stored in porous adsorbent, so water immersion should be prevented during transportation, storage and use. After water immersion, a large amount of water will fill the active void, making it ineffective.

3. To prevent tar like substances from being brought into the activated carbon bed during use, tar like substances shall not be allowed to block the gap of activated carbon and make it lose adsorption. There is coke removal equipment to purify gas.


To sum up, this is an introduction to the precautions for the use of shell activated carbon. I hope it will help you to further understand it.

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