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Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Properties and uses of shell activated carbon

Date of issue: 2021-10-14 00:00:00 Author: Activated Carbon Click:


Activated Carbon It is widely used in our life. It can treat industrial water, sewage, etc. to purify sewage to ensure our health.

Product attributes:

Pericarp Activated carbon Method is a very interesting process related to adsorption and biology. As known as the penetration phenomenon in the activated carbon column of the fixed bed shell, adsorption is an unstable separation operation, while biolysis is basically a stable reaction operation after the domestication period. Thus, the phenomenon generated in the reactor is analyzed, It can be considered as belonging to the category of separation operation with reaction. However, in fact, due to the existence of multi component systems, the phenomenon is much more complicated, and the quality of treated water is difficult to predict, etc. There are still many problems to be clarified. Therefore, it is the trend of the development of activated carbon to vigorously study biology in the future.

Wide range of applications:

 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer


It is widely used in the deep purification of drinking water, industrial water and wastewater, industrial water purification and gas adsorption, such as water purification treatment in power plants, petrochemical, oil refineries, food and beverage, sugar and alcohol manufacturing, medicine, electronics, fish farming, shipping and other industries, and can absorb free phenols, sulfur and other pollutants in water, especially the precursors of mutagens (THM), To achieve purification, impurity removal and odor removal. It can also be used for industrial tail gas purification, gas desulfurization, oil catalytic reforming, gas separation, pressure swing adsorption, air drying, food preservation, antivirus, disintermediation carrier, industrial solvent filtration, decolorization, purification, etc. Separation, purification and purification of various gases; Solvent recovery; Decolorization and refining of sugar, monosodium glutamate, medicine, liquor and beverage; Precious metal refining; Catalyst and catalyst carrier in chemical industry.

The product has the functions of decolorization, purification, impurity removal, odor removal, carrier, purification, recovery, etc. Fruit shell carbon is mainly used for food, beverage, purified water filtration, power plant boiler wastewater treatment, deodorization of domestic and industrial water, liquid filtration, phenol, mercury, lead, heavy metals and other harmful substances in energy water.

In the process of using activated carbon, direct contact with fire source shall be avoided to prevent fire and oxygen entering into activated carbon. Steam shall be used to reduce the temperature below 80 ℃, otherwise the temperature will be high and the activated carbon will spontaneously ignite in case of oxygen.

The above is a brief introduction of activated carbon from fruit shells. It can discharge sewage up to standard and decolorize drinks. It is widely used and recognized by people.

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