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Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Contribution of activated carbon from fruit shell to industrial treatment

Date of issue: 2023-10-11 17:10:06 Author: Activated Carbon Click:

     Activated Carbon It is processed by multiple processes and has been widely used in industrial treatment, recovery, purification, battery and electric energy storage. And its abrasion resistance is strong. Let's take a look at its contribution to industry.

Pericarp Activated carbon It plays a very important role in adjusting the pore structure of activated carbon and modifying the external surface groups to advance its special functions and specific adsorption catalysis. The vast majority of carbonaceous substances can be used to prepare activated carbon, such as wood, sawdust, coal, peat, fruit shells, fruit kernels, bagasse and rice husks, petroleum waste, waste plastics, waste leather, waste tires, paper waste, urban garbage and other wastes. At that time, it was generally believed that the shell was the best material for preparing activated carbon, but the cost of the shell in China was very limited, and it was difficult to meet and store, so the quotation was expensive. In recent years, experiments have been carried out at home and abroad to prepare activated carbon from various wastes with low quotation and extensive history. At that time, the function of activated carbon made from waste was not high, and its practical application was still few. However, it was increasingly popular because of its low price, high carbon content, easy to obtain materials, sufficient materials, and green non-toxic. Useful use of waste to produce activated carbon can not only save costs but also help protect the ecological environment.

 Activated Carbon

In the environmental protection industry, the largest amount of activated carbon used in the shell is urban water purification project and sewage treatment project, accounting for more than 70% of the total amount of activated carbon used in the environmental protection industry; The second is air purification, and the consumption of activated carbon is also increasing year by year. However, there is a certain degree of environmental pollution in the production process of activated carbon. In the case of increasingly strict national environmental protection policies, it is a serious task for the sustainable development of activated carbon work to deal with the environmental problems of activated carbon production companies. Some experts pointed out that in the next 10-20 years, China's demand for activated carbon will further increase, and China's activated carbon industry will develop in the direction of low consumption, low pollution, high quality and high-tech.

In addition to being widely used in industry, shell activated carbon is also widely used in our life. It can deal with impurities in living water, residues of other organic substances, and recovery of other solvents.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/406.html

key word: Activated Carbon , Activated carbon company , Activated carbon manufacturer