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Drying and grinding techniques of yyds shell activated carbon

Date of issue: 2023-11-15 00:44:24 Author: Click:

Rinse with water Activated Carbon Flush from the rinsing bucket into the carbon storage tank. With a horizontal piston pusher centrifuge, the carbon moisture in the shell can be reduced by 60-65 percent. During operation, first start the sand pump to pump the rinsing carbon and water in the carbon storage tank into the high-level carbon tank, and then start the mixer of the high-level carbon tank to mix carbon and water. Start the centrifuge again. After the centrifuge runs stably, open the high tank bottom valve to let the carbon water enter the centrifuge for dehydration. The carbon is sent to a dry place, and the water thrown out contains a large amount of fine carbon, which is discharged into waste water after sedimentation and recovery.

Charcoal drying of fruit shell:

The purpose of drying is to reduce the moisture content of shell charcoal to below 10. There are many drying methods, and the rotary drying furnace is commonly used. The revolving body is made of steel plate. The cylinder is about 1m in diameter and 7m in length. It is installed in the heating furnace and heated indirectly with flue gas. The wet carbon enters the cylinder from one end of the feeding port. Due to the inclination and rotation of the cylinder, the material moves forward and is discharged continuously at the discharge port. The material temperature in the rotary drying furnace is required to be 120-130 ℃. During operation, the feeding amount shall be controlled according to the furnace temperature to prevent dry carbon from sparking. The drying furnace has a fast drying speed because the carbon particles can rotate in the cylinder. In addition, indirect heating is selected for drying furnace to avoid direct contact between carbon and drying medium, thus reducing the possibility of carbon pollution.

 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer

The shell charcoal can adsorb hydrocarbon substitute and carbamate insecticides, as well as phenyl ether, n-nitrobenzene, naphthalene, ethylene, xylenol, phenol, DDT, alkyl benzene sulfonic acid and many ester and aromatic compounds. The secondary effluent also contains substances that are not adsorbed by the shell carbon, such as the intermediate degradation substances of protein, which are more difficult to be adsorbed by the shell carbon than the original substances. The removal capacity of the shell carbon for THMS is low, only reaching 23-60. The combination of shell carbon adsorption method and other treatment methods has led to the emergence of ozone shell carbon method, coagulation adsorption shell carbon method, Habberer process, shell carbon diatomite method, etc., which has significantly prolonged the adsorption period of shell carbon, reduced the amount, and greatly improved the treatment effect and scope.

The physical characteristics of shell carbon mainly refer to the pore structure and its distribution, which is also the main factor determining the adsorption performance of shell carbon. During the whole process, shell charcoal will form a large number of pores of various shapes and sizes, so it has a huge surface area. In the whole process of carbon water contact, the large carbon water contact interface is the basis of the carbon adsorption capacity of the shell.

Pericarp Activated carbon Grinding: The purpose of grinding is to improve the surface area of the shell charcoal. The ordinary cement ball mill is broken to 120-200 meshes, and the stereotyped cement ball mill is continuous feeding and discharging, and the feeding amount is generally adjusted according to the product size. In order to prevent the shell carbon from raising the iron content in the whole process of the ball mill, the cement ball mill is generally selected to place the cushion into the cement ball mill and crush it with stones or porcelain balls. Some factories also use Raymond grinder for grinding.

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