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Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Warning of activated carbon manufacturer

Date of issue: 2023-10-28 21:32:27 Author: Click:

With the development of various industries Activated carbon The increase in demand, Activated carbon manufacturer It also began to increase sharply, but the activated carbon produced by these manufacturers is mixed. Today, let's talk about the production and application fields of honeycomb activated carbon. Let's go to the manufacturer for field investigation as a reference.

The main raw materials of honeycomb activated carbon are coal based activated carbon powder with high iodine value Coconut shell activated carbon Powder and strongly decolorized wooden activated carbon powder, most of which are made of coal based activated carbon powder into honeycomb shaped activated carbon in the domestic market, so they are called honeycomb shaped activated carbon.

The preparation of honeycomb activated carbon should first carbonize the raw materials. Carbonization, also known as pyrolysis, is the heating of raw materials in isolation from air, and the general temperature is below 600 ℃. Sometimes the raw materials are first dissolved in inorganic salts and then carbonized. After carbonization, the raw materials of activated carbon will decompose and release gases such as water gas, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrogen; The raw materials are decomposed into fragments and re formed into a stable structure. These fragments may be composed of some microcrystals. Microcrystals are piled up by more than two pieces of sheet structure with carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal lattice. But there is no fixed crystal form in the accumulation. The size of the microcrystals is related to the composition and structure of the raw materials, and is affected by the carbonization temperature, which roughly increases with the increase of the carbonization temperature. After carbonization, there are some residual hydrocarbons on the boundary atoms of microcrystals.

 Price of activated carbon manufacturers

Honeycomb activated carbon is widely used in air pollution control due to its large area, small through-hole resistance, developed micropores, high adsorption capacity and long service life. Select honeycomb activated carbon adsorption The method is that the waste gas contacts with the porous activated carbon with a large surface, and the pollutants in the waste gas are adsorbed and decomposed to play a purification role.

The above is the general principle of honeycomb activated carbon produced by activated carbon manufacturers. I hope this article can help you to have a deep understanding of honeycomb activated carbon.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/498.html

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