
 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturers and activated carbon companies serve you

Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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The activated carbon manufacturer returns you a different activated carbon

Date of issue: 2023-10-21 19:49:20 Author: Click:

In drinking water purification, in addition to common filter materials and filter elements, a very important purification material is Activated carbon The use of activated carbon should be carefully selected, and the manufacturer of activated carbon should also be careful Activated carbon manufacturer Take you to know about activated carbon.

   Coconut shell activated carbon It is a hydrophobic adsorbent made from coconut shell through high-temperature carbonization and activation. Its internal structure contains a large number of micropores, With huge specific surface area, it can effectively remove chromaticity and odor, and can remove most organic pollutants and some inorganic substances in secondary effluent, including some toxic heavy metals. Its function is irreplaceable by other water purification materials. In drinking water purification, the purification effect of activated carbon is very good.

 Activated carbon manufacturer company

There is a reason to choose activated carbon as a drinking water purification material. It is highly protective, non-toxic and harmless

Among all types of activated carbon, only coconut shell activated carbon and Activated Carbon Other types of activated carbon are made of either wood chips or anthracite, which has a certain impact on the quality of drinking water. Therefore, coconut shell activated carbon and fruit shell activated carbon will be selected.

And the purification effect of activated carbon is very good

The purification of activated carbon is actually its adsorption. Among all activated carbons, Gongyi Haijiang coconut shell activated carbon has a very high iodine value, and its adsorption performance is very strong. Therefore, the purification effect of coconut shell activated carbon is very good during purification.

The service life of activated carbon is very long

It can absorb many substances and has a longer service life.

Activated carbon not only brings you clean water, but also enriches your life.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/464.html

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