
 Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturers and activated carbon companies serve you

Fruit shell activated carbon manufacturer Activated carbon company -Shijiazhuang Huazhuo Activated Carbon Production Co., Ltd

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Activated carbon manufacturers sit on the high lemon mountain

Date of issue: 2023-10-24 20:55:45 Author: Click:

   Activated carbon It has a variety of uses and has spread throughout all aspects of our life. Its outstanding function is to purify water and air, which provides security for our life, Activated carbon manufacturer We have also produced different activated carbon products to provide customers with more choices.

The main raw materials used by activated carbon manufacturers are divided into four categories: coal activated carbon, wood activated carbon, synthetic activated carbon and other types of activated carbon. According to the main raw materials used in manufacturing and the corresponding product shape combination, it can be divided into 16 types.

Among them, coal based activated carbon is divided into: columnar Granular activated carbon from coal Crushed coal granular activated carbon, powdered coal granular activated carbon, spherical coal granular activated carbon. Wooden granular activated carbon is divided into: columnar woody granular activated carbon, broken woody granular activated carbon, powdery woody granular activated carbon, spherical woody granular activated carbon.

 Which is the best activated carbon manufacturer

Synthetic material activated carbon is divided into: columnar synthetic material granular activated carbon, broken synthetic material granular activated carbon, powdered synthetic material granular activated carbon, shaped activated carbon, spherical synthetic material granular activated carbon Cloth synthetic material activated carbon (carbon fiber cloth), felt synthetic material activated carbon (carbon fiber felt). Other types of activated carbon refer to activated carbon prepared from other raw materials (such as coal tar pitch, petroleum coke, etc.) in addition to the above three types of activated carbon. For this type of activated carbon, pitch based microsphere activated carbon is temporarily listed in the product shape classification.

The adverse nature of activated carbon makes it gradually move towards more application fields from the initial aquarium. Activated carbon manufacturers use exquisite technology to produce various commodities according to the characteristics of activated carbon raw materials.

Website: //52wooop.cn/news/479.html

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